Sorry, this is a huge blog. If you really want to find some inspiration in your life, read through this blog completely. I'm sure you won't regret it. After completing my undergrad from Coimbatore Institute of Technology, in 2009, I had applied to a bunch of US universities. Hell yeah, while I got the admits from majority of them, my dad became suddenly ill and bed-ridden. He had to undergo a heart surgery. I was torn between my responsibilities as a daughter, and my career ambitions. Alas, I gave up all the dream admits, and started working as Software Engineer. The only reason was to support my mom and sister personally. After 2 years, as I have gained some work experience in telecom domain, I applied to 4 universities in US and UK all for MS in Telecommunications. All the struggle and the travel I made to and fro to my college, to get those "Letter of recommendations" signed and sealed by profs and universities. Yes those days, most universities needed LOR in ...