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Showing posts from January, 2019

Navigating an Ivy League as a mom

Ever dreamt on air, passing through the clouds? Every time that I fly, only a thousand things flash through my mind. This time around, as I’m flying, my mind wanders around a whole lot of life that I had at Brown University, during my masters. So I thought why not just capture the flashback 😊 On August 25 th 2016, we had an initial orientation that lasted for 2-3 days. It was a proud moment, one I have been dreaming for from my childhood, to get into an Ivy school. The whole environment at Sayles Hall at Brown was very welcoming and booming with lots of new faces, on which you could sense a bit apprehensiveness and enthusiasm about what is to come forth. I met with a bunch of diverse students from different parts of the world, who are about to start their journey at Brown. We had an initial ice breaker session, post which, a slight brunch and we were instructed to follow to Salomon’s Hall.  One of the student representative played us an awesome song, nicknamed as Brown f...